Whether you work at a large urban county, a small city in Michigan’s upper peninsula, a special purpose agency, or somewhere else across our great lakes state, without a doubt, it’s a challenging market to enlist new finance talent into our Michigan government organizations. Each of our member organizations’ recruiting efforts would benefit by gaining exposure to accounting/finance students as well as experienced professionals that work in the private sector.
As a result, our amazing MGFOA members created our “Day in the Life of a Finance Officer” video. This 9-minute short feature film presents several association members who speak about their finance role in their governmental organization, the tremendous impact they have on the communities they serve and the personal opportunities that the career path provides.
The MGFOA encourages all Michigan communities who are recruiting finance and accounting candidates to leverage this video in any job postings which are developed and advertised. Below we provide some sample language that a governmental Human Resources department may include in a finance job posting:
The <ORGANIZATION NAME>’s finance and accounting professional staff participate in the “Back to Basics” training and other professional development opportunities offered through the Michigan Government Finance Officers Association (MGFOA). Please view the MGFOA’s Day in the Life of a Finance Officer video for more information about what it means to be a municipal finance professional and the benefits of a rewarding career in the public sector.
Additionally, each of the individual videos are available in standalone versions here:
The MGFOA would welcome any feedback that your organization has related to the use of this video by emailing us at: Executive@migfoa.org